About Us

Toxin Taxation was initiated with the mission to create a tobacco free world and contribute to achieve SDG 3: “Good health and well-being” by focusing on wellness and transforming tobacco consuming ecosystem in world. It aims to initiate toxin-free behaviour among individuals and motivate people to initiate investments on their own mind, body, soul, and environment for a healthier well-being and healthier society Our vision is to create a toxin free world and promote wellness and health.

We have done extensive research and developed a self-cleansing toxin-free program. The uniqueness of this program is to bring health and peace into your own hands. that it is a one-time learning activity in which then an individual becomes a self-cleanser thus does not require any additional or outdoor support. It has evolved in the last couple of years and is growing steadily changing lives from corporate employees to homemakers to senior citizens and to youth We use our specially designed tools in the form of Experiential learning.

Taxing your toxins away.
To save our income from paying taxes we do a lot of investments; similarly one should initiate investments on our own mind, body, soul, and environment, to tax our toxins away.

AACHARYA Tobacco Treatment Specialist Training Program (ATTS)
Batch 1 — starting 25 january 2025
Batch 2 — Starting 08 February 2025

State vise distribution - India
Participants Distribution

For Healthcare and 

Allied Professionals


Asia’s first and only Tobacco Treatment Specialist Training
Program accredited from The Council for Tobacco Treatment Training Programs,

Aacharya – A training program from toxin taxation

Program website – http://toxintaxation.com/training

An intensive training & certificate program for tobacco treatment

Hyderabad Telangana, India 500049



For Organizations 

Awareness Sessions

For Smokers and Tobacco Users Customized Counselling

For Schools and Parents

School Drug Prevention Program

Curriculum that motivates students against drug use, cultivates new non-use attitudes and beliefs, and equips teens with the skills and strategies they’ll need to resist the substances most prevalent among teens

For Corporates and Institutions

Policy Implementation

Growing evidence of the harmful impact of exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke raises the need for establishment of smoke-free environments.

Tobacco – The Silent Killer of the century

How often have you seen the infamous “Mukesh ad” before movies or looked at the gigantic warning labels on cigarette or tobacco packaging. Then think about how often you have seen people casually smoking out a puff or spitting the walls red. Despite multiple warnings, campaigns, education and awareness millions of people fall under the trap of tobacco addiction pushing them to a journey that jeopardizes their physical, emotional and mental well-being.

Tobacco kills 8 million people every year, 8 million, much more than what we have seen in the current ongoing pandemic, much more than what majority of the disease burden kills. Still, the ignorance towards its impact on human persists leaving the tobacco epidemic ever growing and ever flourishing.

The probability of getting some of the major fatal disorders increases multiple folds if the person is a tobacco consumer. And it impacts not just the consumer, for every person who dies because of smoking; at least 30 people live with a serious smoking-related illness. Out of the 8 million deaths very year, ~1.2 million dies of second hand smoke exposure. There is no safe level of exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke, which causes more than 1.2 million premature deaths per year and serious cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. Almost half of children regularly breathe air polluted by tobacco smoke in public places, and 65 000 die each year from illnesses attributable to second-hand smoke.

Cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung diseases, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis, certain eye diseases, and problems of the immune system, rheumatoid arthritis; these disorders are either a direct impact of tobacco consumption or tobacco increases the risk.

The list of “Why tobacco is the biggest threat to man-kind?” is never ending. Then what should we do? Well, for starters not getting pulled into consuming tobacco because of peer pressure or because the generation today apparently thinks it is cool to smoke. The initiation which begins with the desire to fit in turns into addiction and ultimately makes it a debilitating process to quit.

Apart from this behavioral intervention there are many specialists help that one can undertake to quit tobacco. It ranges from taking counseling services, devising a quit plan and taking pharmacotherapy for advance cases. There are publically available quit helplines and cessation centers that are at the forefront to help people quit.

Apart from that mediating peer to peer support, seeking help at the right time and maintaining a strong will to quit have been beneficial to let go of the tobacco addiction.

At the end it’s a cumulative effort of different stakeholders who are impacted directly or in-directly from the tobacco epidemic. We together can fight off this silent killer and can claim our right to health and healthy living and to protect future generations.

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